Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. (POMC), headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, is the only national self-help organization designed solely to offer emotional support and information about surviving the loss of a loved one to murder. It was founded by Charlotte and Bob Hullinger in 1978, three months after their daughter, Lisa, was murdered. "It began out of our personal need, not out of any altruistic motives," Charlotte Hullinger says. "From it developed the realization that most people don't have any idea of what it's like to have a child murdered." Based on the idea that grief must be shared, Parents of Murdered Children was born. From its quiet birth, POMC has expanded to include other family members and friends who are survivors. POMC now has Chapters and Contact Persons across the United States, and provides assistance and support to over 100,000 survivors each year.

Facing the death of a loved one is never easy. When murder occurs, the anger, pain and grief are compounded by the crushing realization that another person intentionally took the life of someone precious. Adding to the family's trauma are intrusions into their grief. Police, lawyers and other members of the criminal justice system need information, evidence and testimony. Television and newspaper reporters often focus upon the victim without consulting the family. When a suspect is apprehended, preliminary hearings, postponements, trials and sentencing all force grieving families to face what may seem to be a lack of justice. In situations where the murder is unsolved or justice is otherwise compromised, there is even greater pain and confusion.

1. To provide ongoing emotional support needed to help parents and other survivors deal with the pain of their loss and facilitate the reconstruction of their lives.
2. To provide contact with similarly bereaved persons and establish self-help groups that meet regularly.
3. To provide information about the grief process and the criminal justice system as they pertain to the survivors of a homicide victim.
4. To communicate with professionals about the problems faced by those surviving a homicide victim.
5. To increase society's awareness of the problems faced by survivors.


Every survivor has days that are more difficult than others. If you need to talk to someone, please call. The National POMC staff is available to listen and assist you with specific problems. National POMC is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. After hours an answering service will relay your message and they will return your call as soon as possible.

National POMC Website
Why We Are Here
Other California Chapters
Web Links
PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN and Other Survivors of Homicide

For The Families and Friends of Those Who Have Died By Violence


Peninsula/South Bay, California Chapter 

A Self-Help Support Organization


This chapter was established on November 16, 1981

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Our Chapter's Story